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Create Dynamic Menus in Storyblok and Nuxt

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On May 13th, 2024, Storyblok started gradually rolling out a new design for its Visual Editor. Therefore, the Visual Editor product screenshots depicted in this resource may not match what you encounter in the Storyblok App. For more information and a detailed reference, please consult this FAQ on the new Visual Editor design.

In this part of the tutorial series, we will make the menu in our header component dynamic, so that you can manage it directly from Storyblok.

Live demo:

If you’re in a hurry, have a look at our live demo in Stackblitz! Alternatively, you can explore or fork the code from the Nuxt Ultimate Tutorial GitHub Repository.

Section titled Requirements Requirements

This tutorial is part 3 of the Ultimate Tutorial Series for Nuxt. We recommend that you follow the previous tutorials before starting this one.

Section titled Setup in Storyblok Setup in Storyblok

First, we will have to create a new content type component wherein our menu entries can be stored. In order to do that, go to the Block Library {1} and create a New block {2}.

Creating a new block in the Block Library

Creating a new block in the Block Library

Enter the name config {1} and choose Content type block {2}.

Creating a content type block

Creating a content type block

Now you can create a new field with the name header_menu {1} and choose the field type Blocks {2}.

Creating a field for the header menu

Creating a field for the header menu

In this field, we would like to provide the possibility to add menu links as nested blocks. To accomplish that, let’s create another new block. This time it should be a Nested block {1} with the name menu_link {2}.

Creating a nested block

Creating a nested block

Now we can add a new field called link {1} in this newly created block and choose Link as the field type {2}.

Creating a link field

Creating a link field

Alright, our component schemas are almost done! Just one more step: to avoid that just any block could be nested in our header_menu, we want to make sure that only specific components can be inserted {1}. Now you can choose the menu_link block in the whitelist {2}.

Allowing only specific components to be inserted

Allowing only specific components to be inserted

With that out of the way, we can now go to the Content section of our Storyblok space. Here, we want to create a new story with the name Config {2}, using our recently created content type Config {3}.

Creating a new Config story

Creating a new Config story

If you open this newly created Config story, you can now nest as many menu_link blocks in the header_menu field as you would like. For now, let’s add our Blog and About page.


Note that the components you put in the storyblok folder, and will be imported dynamically using <StoryblokComponent />, must be named with a hyphen in your Storyblok space: 'example-component' and with Pascal case in your project: 'ExampleComponent'.

Dynamic menu rendered correctly in Nuxt

Dynamic menu rendered correctly in Nuxt

Section titled Rendering the Menu in Nuxt Rendering the Menu in Nuxt

Having taken care of our setup in Storyblok, we can now turn to the code and implement our dynamic menu in the frontend. To accomplish that, let’s update components/Header.vue with the following code:

      <script setup>
const storyblokApi = useStoryblokApi()
const { data } = await storyblokApi.get('cdn/stories/config', {
  version: 'draft',
  resolve_links: 'url',

const headerMenu = ref(null)
headerMenu.value = data.story.content.header_menu

  <header class="w-full h-24 bg-[#f7f6fd]">
    <div class="container h-full mx-auto flex items-center justify-between">
      <NuxtLink to="/">
        <h1 class="text-[#50b0ae] text-3xl font-bold">Storyblok Nuxt</h1>
      <nav v-if="headerMenu">
        <ul class="flex space-x-8 text-lg font-bold">
          <li v-for="blok in headerMenu" :key="blok._uid">
            <NuxtLink :to="`/${}`" class="hover:text-[#50b0ae]">
              {{ }}

If you go back to the Visual Editor now, you can see your menu being rendered correctly. Feel free to experiment a little bit with it by adding or reordering the entries and saving the Config story.

Fantastic – but what’s actually happening in the code? First of all, we’re using useStoryblokApi to fetch the Config story without loading the Storyblok Bridge automatically. You can learn more about the differences between useAsyncStoryblok, useStoryblokApi and useStoryblokBridge in the documentation on Github. What’s important to notice is that an additional parameter – resolve_links – is passed to the apiOptions. This is used to actually get the URLs of the stories that we link internally. You can learn more about this and other parameters in our Content Delivery API docs.

Next, a reactive object by the name of headerMenu is created and the contents of the header_menu field that we created earlier is stored as its value. This can then be used in the template using a simple for loop.

Section titled Wrapping Up Wrapping Up

Congratulations, you have successfully created a dynamic menu in Storyblok and Nuxt!

Next Part:

Continue reading and learn How to Create Custom Components in Storyblok and Nuxt.


Manuel Schröder

Manuel Schröder

Manuel is a front-end engineer who loves crafting beautiful and fast websites. International Relations graduate turned WordPress expert, he ultimately developed a passion for the Jamstack. His favorite technologies include Vue, Astro, Tailwind, and Storyblok. These days, Manuel works as a Developer Relations Engineer at Storyblok.

Alba Silvente

Alba Silvente

Alba, aka Dawntraoz, is a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok. She writes about frontend development on her personal blog,, and she is working hard on open-source projects to create more value for the web community.