The Dimensions app provides a convenient way to manage alternative versions of stories across top-level folders designated for languages, regions, markets, or any other kind of dimension. This approach allows for a high degree of autonomy and flexibility per story while offering convenient merge and overwrite functionality. Once installed, Dimensions will become available in the Languages menu in the Visual Editor, right next to the History.
The Dimensions app provides the following actions:
- Clone to all: Duplicate the current story into all available top-level folders.
- Merge to all: Merge the changes with all linked stories.
- Overwrite: Overwrite the linked existing story in the selected folder with the current story.
- Merge: Merge the changes of the current story with the linked story.
- Create clone: Create a clone of the current story in the selected folder.
A common practical application would be to finalize a story for a particular dimension (e.g., a country, region, or market) and then create its counterpart in another dimension using the Create clone functionality. Henceforth, this story equivalent can be managed individually, localizing, adapting, or translating the content as required. Using the Merge functionality, newly added components can be synchronized between these counterparts, leaving existing content intact.
The Config > Alternative version section of the Visual Editor also provides an overview of all of a story's linked stories.
Please refer to the Internationalization concept to learn more about internationalization and localization strategies available with Storyblok.