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Storyblok GmbH
Last update
Connect your CommerceLayer ecommerce platform with Storyblok.

Commerce Layer is a commerce platform designed to integrate online shopping into various platforms such as websites, mobile apps, chatbots, wearables, effortlessly through a rapid and secure API.

With the Commerce Layer field plugin, you simply connect your Commerce Layer resources with your Storyblok content.

This integration empowers users to select products and collections straight from their Commerce Layer account and use them within their Storyblok content. This ensures buyers can enjoy a unified shopping experience, regardless of the platforms where they interact with your products.

How to set up

In the block library, select a block to edit. Add a new field, set the Field Type to Plugin, and set the Custom Type to sb-commerce-layer.

Configure the options:

  • apiUrl (required): HTTPS base endpoint of your Commerce Layer organization (e.g.: https://[organization]
  • integrationClientId (required): The client_id from your integration API credentials
  • integrationClientSecret (required): The client_secret from your integration API credentials. The value of this option must be encrypted using the Storyblok Encryption Service.
  • salesChannelClientId (optional): The client_id from your sales channel API credentials.
  • salesChannelDefaultMarketNumber (optional): number of a specific sales channel market (e.g.: 10460). Note that this option must be provided together with salesChannelClientId but can also be omitted.
  • limit (optional): The maximum number of selected items.
  • selectOnly (optional): Provide the value product to disable the category tab, so that the users only can select products. Provide the value category to disable the product catalog tab, so that users only can select categories.