• Sprint 65 - Emil Post

    Changes in:appapi

    Improvements & Fixes

    • Block Library - Resolved an issue in the Block Library where, if the Boolean field toggle is false, it doesn't allow saving the story when the field is required.

    • User - Experience - Fixed issue in the Richtext field type where users with language restrictions in a non-default language were unable to edit translatable fields inside a block that is inside another block.

    • User - Experience - Solved a problem where text field values are reversed when typing.

    • What's new - Improved responsiveness of feature on mobile.

    • What's new - Improved pagination logic for what's new feature.

    • Tags - Solved the issue when the save buttons stayed enabled when the name was deleted.

    • Activities - Show activities regardless of the order of the type of activity selected in the filter.

    • Limits - Migrated feature plan limits

    • Backup - Add shared components to backup/restore

    • Limits - Review and adapt Business plan limits and restrictions.

    • JS - Create a V7-alpha branch for the JS client.

    • Backup - Review and adapt the Business Plan limits to the S3 Backup Frequency.

    • Onboarding - Implementation onboarding e-mails on signup flow.

    • Organizations - Add invited users to the list of all organization users.

    • Apps - Migrated the Releases, Pipelines, and Activities apps to the new helper.