• Storyblok V2: Update 9

    Changes in:app

    In this update of Storyblok's V2, we implemented the following improvements:


    Subscript and Superscript

    You can now easily create content using Subscript and Superscript format on the Richtext fields.

    A subscript or superscript is a character (number, figure, symbol, or indicator) that is usually smaller than the normal line and is set slightly below it (subscript) or above it (superscript).

    When you add formulas, mathematical expressions, specifications of chemical compounds and isotopes, footnotes, trademarks, copyright, or other symbols to your content, you might want them to appear slightly above or below the rest of your text.


    Subscript: 2H2 + O2β†’ 2H2O

    Superscript: TrademarkTM

    Note: If you are using Stroybloks Richtext resolver, your project must use the latest JS Client version to use this new feature and render it properly. This feature is not available for the other SDKs yet, but we are working on it!

    Undo and Redo

    For accessibility, aside from the keyboard shortcuts, now you also have the buttons to Undo and Redo your changes in the Richtext fields.

    Emoji πŸ™‚

    Now you can add Emojis to your Richtext content 🀩

    Color picker

    Now you can add color to your Richtext content without the need to create custom CSS classes.


    Inline boolean

    The usability of the boolean field was enhanced; now, you have the option to set it as inline and save some space in your content form.

    Digital Asset Manager

    Filter by the expiration date

    Now you can easily filter your assets by the expiration date.

    Visual preview

    New block action

    Now you can copy the block directly from the visual preview.


    Share the story in your language

    When you switch to a non-default language, the language is added to the Story URL in your browser, so if you copy this URL and send it to your team members, they will open the Story in the language you selected.

    Backup Encryption

    Our backups are now encrypted. This is done automatically, so no action is needed from the user's side.

    Assign to multi-users / roles

    We have improved the UI and UX in the way you can assign roles and users to a story. This way, you can more easily coordinate the workflows of your team. This will give you a more complete way to make sure the people who need to work on the story can be assigned across admins, editors, and custom roles.

    General updates


    • JS Client: Updated richtext resolver function
    • CLI: Sync command with "starts with" filter

    Fixed bugs

    • Apps are no longer available on incorrect plans
    • Slack integration button doesn't work in US spaces
    • Double timezone applied on the Restore tab in Backup App
    • More consistency across the application for timezones
    • Wrong behavior when adding a user on "Assigned to" when saved
    • Move story action is reset when a new page is selected
    • When a user wants to sort users based on their roles, the sorting does not bring accurate results.
    • Action Menu is not highlighted when hovered
    • The visual editor wasn't updating the content when the Story was reverted to a previous version.
    • The header UI was breaking when the save validations failed.
    • The option to create presets wasn't showing in some situations.
    • Fixed option to manage users on Organizations.