Welcome & State of Storyblok
Hear everything about the current state of Storyblok and where the company is going.
Dominik Angerer - CEO @ Storyblok

What's new at Storyblok
We have been working on big improvements in secret for the past few months. See what has happened and learn about new features.
Alex Feiglstorfer - CTO @ Storyblok

eCommerce Integrations
We have been busy the last few weeks and built integrations for enterprise eCommerce systems. In this talk, we are going to show how to use the integration and build state-of-the-art eCommerce pages.
Lisi Linhart - DX Engineer @ Storyblok

Storyblok in the age of Atomic design
Atomic design is a methodology for creating design systems, there are five distinct levels in atomic design: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates, and Pages. In this talk you will learn how to use it in action!
Alba Silvente - Senior Front-End Consultant at Blue Harvest & Storyblok & Nuxt Ambassador

Integrating Google Analytics into Storyblok
This talk is going to show how to build a Storyblok App and integrate a third-party API.
Christophe Corbalan - Backend Developer at Together Digtal & Storyblok Ambassaror
Whenever you have any questions about Storyblok or face other obstacles while implementing a new project there is a great place to find help. Our Discord community is a welcoming place where you can find people that will try to help.
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