Stories from the Blok #8
V2 Deep Dive Edition

Welcome to Stories from the Blok #8! For this edition we decided to take you on an exciting journey of Storyblok V2. Let’s dive deep into the awesome & intuitive CMS experience and explore the new V2 features designed to shape the future of digital storytelling.

Goodbye to miscommunications. Hello to transparency

With Storyblok V2, you can sit back and relax to focus on coding. Why? Developers and content editors have the transparency to see both of their work in which new components are added and what changes have been made to existing components. Not only that, even some configurations on the Block Library are also shared well across all the teams and working in multiple spaces is easier. There is API keys management to set a specific minimum cache per key, Maintenance mode setting on the fly, and a new quickstart for developers to set everything up and running in no time. Goodbye miscommunications and say hello to a seamless transparency content management system!

Arisa Fukuzaki - Developer Relations Engineer @ Storyblok

Christel Forey

Call it magic: V2 for Content Editors

This isn’t an old magic trick, but the V2 experience itself is magical. We’ll be jumping into what’s new for marketers and content editors in V2, with some exciting new and upgraded features to get excited about, as well as a look into what features help our own marketers at Storyblok throughout our content creation experience!

Christel Forey - Content Marketer @ Storyblok

The road towards V2 and what's next?

We will be taking a deep dive into how we got to V2 and why we decided to innovate in certain areas. We will be going through how its introduction has been so far, and maybe give you some spoilers as to what the future holds in store now V2 has been fully launched!

Sebastian Miranda - Product Owner @ Storyblok

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Goodbye to miscommunications. Hello to transparency

With Storyblok V2, you can sit back and relax to focus on coding. Why? Developers and content editors have the transparency to see both of their work in which new components are added and what changes have been made to existing components. Not only that, even some configurations on the Block Library are also shared well across all the teams and working in multiple spaces is easier. There is API keys management to set a specific minimum cache per key, Maintenance mode setting on the fly, and a new quickstart for developers to set everything up and running in no time. Goodbye miscommunications and say hello to a seamless transparency content management system!

Arisa Fukuzaki - Developer Relations Engineer @ Storyblok

Christel Forey

Call it magic: V2 for Content Editors

This isn’t an old magic trick, but the V2 experience itself is magical. We’ll be jumping into what’s new for marketers and content editors in V2, with some exciting new and upgraded features to get excited about, as well as a look into what features help our own marketers at Storyblok throughout our content creation experience!

Christel Forey - Content Marketer @ Storyblok

The road towards V2 and what's next?

We will be taking a deep dive into how we got to V2 and why we decided to innovate in certain areas. We will be going through how its introduction has been so far, and maybe give you some spoilers as to what the future holds in store now V2 has been fully launched!

Sebastian Miranda - Product Owner @ Storyblok

Thank you for signing up!

The live stream of the event will start on August 10th, 2022, 17:00 CEST / 08:00 PDT / 22:00 ICT.