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CMS statistics you need to know in 2024

Olena Teselko
Try Storyblok

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

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With the rise of digitalization across all industries, companies require extended capabilities and innovations to help them grow and meet consumer expectations. Content management systems, though, are the core software of the overall technology infrastructure that has to evolve in tandem with the business. Hence, the CMS market is also transforming alongside an ever-changing landscape and standards. 

To provide a broad overview of the topic, we've compiled a list of CMS market statistics that you can use to guide your company's digital transformation.

How companies are using their CMSs

  • 19% of companies use only 1 content management system.
  • 47% of organizations use 2 to 3 content management systems in their work.
  • 27% of businesses use 4 CMSs or more 

Our latest study shows that most companies use two or more CMS, which makes their work more complex. Interestingly, the percentage of companies that use four or more systems has increased from 14% in 2022 to 27% in 2024. On the other hand, the percentage of companies that use only one CMS has decreased from 38% to 19% during the same period.

In order to understand the reason behind this trend, we asked respondents to share their motivation for using multiple systems simultaneously.

  • 59% of companies use several CMSs to minimize delivery risks. 
  • 52% of companies use 2 or more CMSs due to the need for a new technology stack. 
  • 67% of companies utilize more than 2 CMSs to expand their omnichannel capabilities.
  • 57% of companies are trying out different CMSs for proof of concept. 

Meanwhile, according to 2024 Connectivity Benchmark Report by MuleSoft, IT leaders have admitted that their companies are being held back by data silos and fragile systems. Almost all of the IT leaders surveyed (98%) reported facing challenges related to digital transformation. 

The main drivers of these challenges were identified as the persistence of data silos, which was reported by 81% of respondents, and the fragility of tightly coupled and highly dependent systems, which was reported by 72% of respondents.

The most common reason for using multiple CMSs was to reduce delivery risk, followed by omnichannel content delivery and the need to implement a new technology stack. However, both of these concerns indicate that these companies are skeptical that a single system can provide the security or advanced technology they require. 

Using multiple CMSs can lead to a variety of problems such as content silos, disorganization, inconsistent user experiences, and fragmented user data. This can result in frustration and confusion for both backend and frontend users. 

However, the reasons businesses are ready to deal with this unnecessary complexity, and other disadvantages of using several CMSs must have some rational explanation. And here is the answer.

Most popular types of content management systems

The distribution of content management systems

  • 41% of organizations still use monolithic CMSs
  • 25% of businesses use headless CMSs
  • 34% of companies use website builders, custom or other types of CMSs 

Monolithic CMSs continue to dominate the market, while headless architecture has already gained a quarter of the market share, despite being a relatively new technology. However, the prevalence of traditional CMSs explains the challenges mentioned above.

Previously, coupled architecture was the only option. Nonetheless, it has many flaws, such as security concerns, difficulties in delivering omnichannel experiences, a lack of agility, a limited selection of technologies, etc. This forces businesses to implement additional content management systems in order to meet all of their requirements. It often implies a mix of monolithic and headless solutions.

Headless CMS statistics

Compared to monolithic, headless is a relatively new architecture, but it has already reached a high level of usage among mid-sized companies and enterprises as it is capable of solving major challenges. Headless solutions are more scalable, secure, compatible with the latest technologies, and more user-friendly for developers. At the same time, most headless CMSs offer a wide range of features to simplify the work of non-technical teams, making such platforms even more appealing to business users. 

Here is proof that headless is the future of content management systems: 

The Headless CMS market size is valued at around USD 605 Million in 2022 and is expected to grow to USD 3.8 Billion in 2032.

In our research, we also asked the respondents to share the improvements they noticed after migration to headless solutions or implementing them into the overall technical infrastructure. Here is what they said:

  • 61% of companies reported an increased ROI after migration to headless CMS.
  • 58% of companies reported that switching to a headless CMS saved them time in content management and increased productivity.
  • 54% or companies noticed improvements in user experience, personalization, localization, and scaling. 
  • 49% of companies reported improved performance and faster loading times, as well as better security.
  • 34% of companies reported that switching to a headless CMS helped them meet KPIs.
The improvements companies noticed after adopting a headless CMS

The improvements companies noticed after adopting a headless CMS

According to another survey, the API-first approach, which is the basis of headless technology, helps companies implement innovative strategies efficiently in their work. Respondents also claimed that composable architecture and microservices further enhance the efficiency of application development processes.

  • 33% of revenue is attributed to APIs and API-related offerings while building integrations
  • 46% of IT organizations reported that utilizing APIs and composable approaches enhanced their efficiency
  • 45% of companies observed improved outcomes upon implementing a microservices architecture

Headless CMS user satisfaction statistics

According to G2, the biggest and most trusted software marketplace, there are four critical aspects that influence user satisfaction with headless CMS. 

  • 8,9 out of 10 claim use for business as an advantage of headless CMS. 
  • 8,7 out of 10 name content performance as an advantage of headless CMS. 
  • 8.4 out of 10 state personalization as an advantage of headless CMS. 
  • 7.8 out of 10 name AR/VR capability as an advantage of headless CMS. 

Key takeaways

Many businesses had revised their digitalization strategies in recent years, — especially during and after the pandemic, when many industries were forced to go online. However, many established companies previously relied on traditional architecture and monolithic CMS, making the transition more complicated.

Meanwhile, technologies are rapidly evolving, making it challenging to keep up with them and adjust processes. On the other hand, headless content management systems make it simple to implement any technology or integration and deliver content across any channel, including AR and VR. Statistics prove that companies embracing the headless approach have experienced considerable improvements in different aspects, including development speed, collaboration, content management, and overall business results. 

Read how Oatly created content-driven experiences with a headless CMS, or how Xlash expanded to global markets with Storyblok.