How Storyblok's CMS can provide a 582% ROI for agencies and clients

Ana Ilievska
Try Storyblok

Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.

Storyblok’s Partner Program consists of 1800+ registered and 150+ certified partners. Our partners leverage our content management system (CMS) to build websites, apps, and other content experiences for themselves and their clients. They enjoy multiple partner benefits that help them, as well as their clients, execute successful digital projects. Some of the biggest benefits to date have been revealed in Storyblok’s Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study where Forrester Consulting conducted an in-depth cost-benefit analysis of a composite organization based on real use cases and customers. Let’s take a look at some of the potential cost savings and business benefits of switching to Storyblok for agencies and, most importantly, your clients.

The numbers don’t lie

Switching from a monolithic to a headless CMS is becoming an inevitable decision for your clients, but so is choosing the right headless CMS. We believe that Storyblok is the future of agile and efficient content management for you and your clients, and we have the numbers to back it up. Here are the results of Forester’s independent analysis:

The study found that organizations experience benefits of $1.97 million over 3 years, with costs of $289,000, resulting in a net present value (NPV) of $1.6 million and a rate of investment (ROI) of 582%. Moreover, organizations can achieve a payback on their initial investment within six months. Lastly, the composite organizations saw a 3x boost in productivity.

“What is quite interesting in Storyblok is the optimization capabilities our developers find particularly useful because you don't need a second system. This tool has boosted overall efficiency and productivity; you save bandwidth and increase the speed of your website, which is then again good for your loading times, customer experience, and search engines.”
- Director of Digital Intelligence, Retail

Getting the numbers

The process of determining Storyblok’s TEI considered how a certain piece of technology can impact an organization’s performance and revenue. In this case, it examined the economic impact that Storyblok had on users who switched to the system from their original monolithic content management system. Therefore, to determine the ROI for Storyblok users over 3 years time, the following equation was used:

(Total Benefit - Total Cost) / Total Cost

To determine the total benefits of switching from a monolithic CMS to Storyblok, the following metrics were considered: content lifecycle time to market, efficiencies due to deployment setup, and single-source management of content. To determine the total costs of switching to Storyblok, the study considered the enterprise license fee for Storyblok, migration and implementation fees, and training fees.

There’s more

Yes, money is very important, which is why we have monetized the benefit of switching to Storyblok. However, the study found that when using our CMS, your agency and, most importantly, your clients, can enjoy multiple added benefits:

  • Intuitive Visual Editor that increases ease of use and reduces publishing time
  • Better organization through single-source management of content
  • Decreased time to market and shorter deployment lifecycle
  • Increased levels of collaboration through discussions, comments, and custom workflows
  • Regular updates leading to improved customer engagement

“Storyblok inadvertently drives collaboration, innovation is happening faster because of it. We’re coming out with cool, powerful content that’s resonating with the market.”
- Director of Digital Intelligence, Retail

“Storyblok is always releasing new features and updates to their platform. They actually listen to their customers’ needs and try to make it as easy as possible for us. What we’ve experienced so far is that Storyblok is building a platform for the future that can solve more problems than just the customer-facing website — one that empowers teams.” 
-Product Owner and Product Design, Manufacturing

Key takeaways

We understand that investing in a new CMS can be a scary process for an agency’s client. However, the benefits of choosing Storyblok’s CMS are immense. In fact, your clients can achieve a 3x boost in productivity and payback on their investment in just 6 months. Most importantly, they can potentially experience an ROI of 582%.

After the investment in Storyblok’s CMS, both developers and content managers gained access to an integrated platform that has resulted in increasing the frequency of updates made, heightened levels of collaboration between different teams, increased operational efficiencies, and provided better customer experiences. Key results from the investment included a faster time to market, operational efficiencies due to deployment setup, and single-source management of content.

If you or your clients are interested in learning more about the cost-savings, calculations, assumptions, and results of Storyblok’s TEI study, download the study or get in touch with your dedicated Partner Success Manager and the partner team via email.