3 Ways Multi Tenant CMS Optimizes Content

Gillian Mays

If you’re looking for a Content Management System (CMS) that can support all of your ideas simultaneously without forcing them to overlap, a multi tenant CMS is your answer. By providing a flexible way to manage multiple channels, this option supports your ambitions and eliminates friction. Let’s take a closer look at what a multi tenant CMS is and how it can optimize how you manage your content.

What is a multi tenant CMS?

A multi tenant CMS is one software instance that serves multiple different web properties. This allows your team to manage many different outlets from a single interface.

However, each tenant remains separate.

That means instead of applying several CMSs for several projects, you can easily rely on just one. They can still be fully customized without you having to worry about how it might affect the others. It’s simply a way to make how you manage your content faster, easier, and more efficient.

3 ways that multi tenant CMS optimizes your content management

Here are a few key reasons why you should consider choosing a multi tenant CMS for your organization.

1. You can streamline production with multi tenant CMS

When you work with a single tenant CMS, you’re limited to one channel. Each web presence has to be separately built, edited, and managed on separate platforms. That means there’s no potential to reuse anything you create outside of the singular ecosystem, no matter how much easier it would make your life.

That’s where multi tenant CMS comes in. With one system uniting many branches, you don’t necessarily have to start from scratch. The centralization gives you the opportunity to share certain information.

For example, you might be able to make a copy of one of your tenants. The new version will have the same content as the original, but you’ll be able to edit it freely without altering the first one’s data. This can cut down on a considerable amount of time that would otherwise have to be spent duplicating your work by hand.

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2. It lets you create more content in less time

Working from a centralized backend speeds up your content production by making the process easier. Consider microsites as an example: if you use a single tenant CMS, you’d have to jump between interfaces just to manage them. This leads to unnecessarily wasted time. It can also lead to the downside of your microsites seeming disconnected from your main one since there’s no efficient way to transfer essential content.


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Using a multi tenant CMS also means that your own team will only have to learn the ins and outs of one system, saving time that would otherwise be spent navigating a learning curve. Switching between projects is as simple as clicking a button, not relearning an entirely new interface.

Moreover, that single interface also makes communication easier. Having one universal hub cuts down on the confusion that comes with trying to collaborate across multiple siloed channels.

Finally, multi tenant CMSs are also designed to scale quickly and easily. You can add resources such as increased space or user seats when you need to on a tenant-by-tenant basis. Thanks to this, you’re only paying for what you’ll actually use.

3. Multi tenant CMS provides reliable security

When you’re managing multiple tenants, you may assume that sharing a universal interface means that they directly impact each other’s security. However, this is not true! Instead, multi tenant CMS relies on the use of flexible and secure APIs (opens in a new window) to make this connection.

APIs are a safe choice because while they connect your multiple elements, their contents remain separate. That means if a virus affects one space, it won’t affect the others because they are not directly related, making multi tenant CMS secure by design.


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Moreover, this confined nature also means that no sensitive information is stored across multiple branches. Login information and user access roles, for example, are only stored in the space in which they are necessary. You may run multiple spaces from one interface, but each one exists as its own unique entity.

What should you look for in a multi tenant CMS?

Now that you know the benefits of this type of system, it’s time for the hard part: choosing one that fits your needs (opens in a new window). There are a few key features you should consider when you’re searching, such as:

  • User-friendliness. Multi tenant CMS can make your life easier, but only if the main system itself is easy to use and navigate.
  • Collaboration features. One of the benefits of this kind of system is its easier to communicate across spaces. Try to look for a system that offers the same functionality within individual spaces too such as commenting and workflows.
  • Globalization. If you want different versions of your web preference for different languages and regions, using a CMS that provides these functionalities is essential.

You should also look into any available case studies for multi tenant CMSs. Each project looks a little different, but understanding how a given CMS has solved content problems for companies with similar issues can provide some insight into what it can do for you.

Key takeaways

Multi tenant CMSs are formidable tools for centralizing your spaces without making them directly intertwined. With one interface, you can create a secure, efficient, and streamlined system to wield your content to the best of its abilities regardless of how many tenants you’re providing for.

Storyblok’s Spaces design lets you manage multiple environments without having to worry about how they’ll impact each other. Contact our team today (opens in a new window) to learn more about how Storyblok empowers you to organize your content for the world.