OMR Festival 2023: How did it go for Storyblok?
Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.
Storyblok has a history of going above and beyond for our events, but at OMR Festival 2023, we decided to go bigger, bolder, better! And it worked!
OMR Festival 2023 is probably one of the biggest events of the year in the world of digital marketing. This year, Storyblok built a unique 189 sqm booth in the new Premium Hall A04, where we were thrilled to host talks and masterclasses and, more importantly, meet so many wonderful people.
Together with our partners, we showcased the latest tools and solutions that are set to change the way we approach content creation and management. We had a mix of education and entertainment, including back-to-back speeches on the Storyblok stage from our tech partners YOYABA, Netlify, and Lokalise, talks from our partner agencies, as well as tons of fun, such as DJs, drinks, and fun games!
What happened during OMR?
We hope everyone who participated in the many engaging and informative discussions about emerging technologies and business practices left with the insights and useful takeaways they had expected for. If you didn't make it to the event or missed any of the talks, we have created a brief summary of some of our presentations.
Fun facts about OMR from our team:
- The masterclass by Thomas Peham (our VP of Marketing) was one of the busiest masterclasses at the whole OMR. People lined up super long, and some even had to sit on the floor because the room was bursting at the seams!
- Participants averaged 20-25k steps a day.
- Our oat milk cappuccinos were praised for being the best at the whole festival.
- We have met so many existing customers already who are super happy with our product and are discovering our upcoming features, like our DeepL app.
Our amazing team at the OMR Festival
How Content AI takes your content and you to the next level
Presentation by Thomas Peham, VP of marketing at Storyblok, and Timo Mayer, Executive Board Member at Virtual Identity.
Artificial intelligence has been a popular topic for many years now. This year, though, it expanded its horizons thanks to the widespread availability of user-friendly tools like generative AI. We at Storyblok understand how crucial it is to not only keep up with cutting-edge tech, but also provide our customers with early access, so they can integrate it into their business operations.
During the masterclass, Thomas and Timo explained the difference between AI and Content AI and how companies use the last one in their content operations. Since Content AI is a relatively new term, it's often confused with Generative AI. But what's the difference?
We decided to ask ChatGPT, and that's how it explained it: Content AI refers to using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms to create, curate, optimize, and personalize content for various digital platforms. It involves automating content-related tasks that traditionally require human input, such as generating headlines, writing articles, and even producing videos or podcasts.
Content AI can be used in various industries, including marketing, eCommerce, news, and entertainment. In marketing, it can help companies create personalized content for their target audience, while in eCommerce, it can assist with product descriptions and recommendations. In news and entertainment, it can help generate articles or videos catering to a particular audience's interests.
The most popular AI-based tools for marketers
Overall, AI has helped marketers, for a couple of years at least, to analyze large data sets, make data-driven decisions, create personalized user experiences, and now, they can also speed up content operations.
According to Statista, 90% of U.S. consumers (opens in a new window) find personalized marketing content somewhat to very appealing.
84% of marketers now use AI, (opens in a new window) up from 29% in 2018.
79% of marketing teams (opens in a new window) report a revenue increase after the adoption of AI.
However, despite the fast development in recent years, artificial intelligence still can't replace human cognition and creativity.
Our analysis indicates that approximately 19% of jobs have at least 50% of their tasks exposed to GPTs when considering both current model capabilities and anticipated GPT-powered software.
So what we think we should focus on is that technology can make us better. If better is what we want to be.
We at Storyblok and Virtual Identity are aware that how content marketers allocate their time and resources will shift due to the exposure of AI.
Today's marketers often get bogged down in "routine tasks," such as content creation, rather than focusing on the big picture and conducting thorough research or thinking of better content distribution.
However, as AI tools become more integrated into everyday operations, marketers would be able to focus on the "human" activities of analysis and ideation, leaving the implementation to the technologies.
The present and the future of content marketing
So, in order to test the future, together with our audience, Thomas and Timo tried to create a marketing campaign using AI. The task was to generate a campaign landing page, key visuals, product information, and about section, create content and assets, set up SEO optimization, and roll out in 5 languages during the masterclass.
Stay tuned until we post a video of how it ended up!
2. Fight the eCommerce ROI Blues: Masterclass by Julius Hemingway
At Stryblok, our goal is to build the most loved CMS. But apart from our clients' feelings for us, we prefer to prove our value with numbers.
That's why Storyblok commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) enterprises may realize by deploying Storyblok's CMS.
After polling our customers, Forrester's analytics calculated the following mind-blowing numbers:
- 582% return on investment in 3 years
- 3x productivity boost
- $1,97M benefits PV
- $1,68M NPV
- less than 6 months payback
How did we achieve that? These numbers became real due to the unique set of features, technologies, and work frameworks shaping Storyblok as a headless CMS of choice.
The Content Lifecycle | Efficiency Gains due to Deployment Setup | Single Source of Content Management |
Faster time to market | Streamlined collaboration | Effective visual editor tool |
Increased user engagement | Faster load times | Centralized asset management |
Efficient content operations | Flexible Integrations with the API-first approach | Global assets and components |
Full visibility across all teams |
Storyblok provides all the content solutions your organization needs to build stand-out digital experiences at any scale. Combining various collaborative tools and a unique Visual Editor, we empower all teams, making our customers' work even more productive and helping them approach the desired ROI.
Educative collaboration: speeches from our partners that you could miss
Even though we had a lot of fun activities at the booth and beyond, together with our partner agencies as well as tech partners, we've had a packed lecture schedule.
Overall the scene held almost 20 talks from our partners, including Lokalise, Netlify, Virtual Identity, Mediawave, brandung, our customers Bahlsen Group and Schüttflix, and, of course, Storyblokers.
Our guests had a chance to discover such topics as:
- Lost in Translation: a marketers guide to localization
- Content ⇒ Build ⇒ Run, the complete web journey
- How to Accelerate Various Business Models with a Component-Based Headless CMS
- Minimalist design, maximum experience - the relaunch of LEIBNIZ with Storyblok
- How companies can master their localization challenges with Storyblok and DeepL
If you couldn't make it to the OMR, don't worry, we will publish all of the talks on our website in a while, so stay tuned.
Wrapping up
In conclusion, the OMR festival was both a ton of fun and an extremely educational experience. Our team loves such events as they are an excellent opportunity to network and learn from others in the field. This time, we had a chance to meet many of our clients, partners, and new people who were interested in going headless.
We drank tons of coffee, walked miles around the venue, met hundreds of people, and learned a lot!
Check out our events page (opens in a new window) to see where we could be meeting up if you're interested in attending any of the upcoming events that Storyblok will be participating in.