Stories from the Blok #10 Happy Holiday Harmonies: A year in the life of the Storyblok DevRels
Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.
On December 6th, 2022, we hosted our final Stories from the Blok for the year: Happy Holiday Harmonies (opens in a new window). In addition to other talented speakers, we heard from Josefine Schaefer (DevRel Engineer @ Storyblok) and Manuel Schroder (DevRel Engineer @ Storyblok) with their presentation A Year in the Life of the Storyblok DevRels.
You can find their video segment below, or continue reading for a written recap.
Watch Stories from the Blok #10: A Year in the Life of the Storyblok Devs
2022 was a wild, exciting whirlwind for the DevRel team. In addition to growing the team from 5 members to 17, Josefine and Manuel also recounted a few other notable accomplishments.
They started with a particularly big milestone initiated by Alex Jover (Team Manager Events & Community @ Storyblok): the SDK ecosystem. They discussed how it began with Storyblok JS on the universal SDK. It acted as the ideal base for the whole ecosystem which was then able to come together in a surprisingly short amount of time, supporting Vue, Nuxt, React, and more. Manuel added that DevRels are continuing the effort to improve the ecosystem with help from developer and community input.
Next, they touched on the busy conference season that lasted the whole year with a total of 114 events and 325 travel days. That's a lot of outreach - and a lot of Tetris played at the booths, too!
They also discussed another kind of travel: the DevRel team meetup in Alicante, marking the first time everyone was able to meet each other in person. "It's really crazy to think how you can build such relationships just by the screen in a full remote company and still feel almost like a family", Manuel reflected.
Josefine and Manuel then turned their attention to the Ultimate Tutorial Series. This project acts as an introduction to Storyblok and the world of headless for all modern frameworks in a simple, easy-to-understand way. It ranges from the bare basics to deploying a full-blown multilingual website.
After touching on the live streams of the year (which you can stay up-to-date with on our Twitch (opens in a new window) and YouTube (opens in a new window)), they discussed the new Ambassadors and Writers program. This brought more benefits and opportunities to members, giving them the chance to reach more audiences and educate them about the world of headless CMS.
Finally, Josefine and Manuel discussed 2022's sponsorships, including continuous support to Vue and Vite ($4k/month) and Astro ($2.5k/month) as well as support for 7 open source individuals and 6 influencers.
They wrapped the presentation up with a message of gratitude to the community and the wonderful year the DevRel team had.