SftB #4 recap - The state of Storyblok
Storyblok is the first headless CMS that works for developers & marketers alike.
On Dec 14, 2021 we held our 4th edition of Stories from the Blok. This time, the event was all about the journey(s) from monolithic to headless - from a practical guide of how to move from WordPress to a headless system, to Marc O’Polo’s journey and their challenges along the way.
This article is the recap of our CEO and Storyblok Co-founder, Dominik Angerer’s opening remarks and the state of Storyblok at the time.
SftB #4 - The state of Storyblok
Dominik’s talk started with a brief summary of Storyblok’s V2 roadmap - specifically the state of the Public Preview. The company itself has also grown to around 100 co-workers from dozens of countries. This growth has been distributed across different teams, including a tremendous increase in the Product Development and Partner teams.
2021 was the year of building the new version of Storyblok - the V2. Storyblok’s team has been making sure to include the community’s feedback and needs into the long list of new features (from content automation and integrations, to the completely new Visual Editor) that are part of the V2.
A big part of our growth was also being more involved with the greater community, from ramping up our sponsoring of events and open-source projects, to participating in different conferences around the world.
What's coming in 2022?
The biggest change would be the public launch of Storyblok V2 by the end of Q1 2022.
Our teams are going to continue growing, to more than double - and so will our content production in general. And of course, a couple of secret things that you’ll hear more about in the next SftB.
In terms of metrics: Storyblok is now close to 100,000 projects across 130 countries. We have also partnered with more than 760 enterprise agencies globally.
You can watch all the presentations from StfB #4 here.