A complete guide to build the VueDose blog

In this seven-part series of articles we'll follow the story of the relaunch of VueDose.tips (opens in a new window) using a headless stack. It'll cover setting up a project with Nuxt.js (opens in a new window), creating UI components following a design system using TailwindCSS (opens in a new window), setting up a content structure in Storyblok, adding search functionality, SEO optimizations and then deploying the result as a statically hosted site.

In this articles Alex Jover Morales (opens in a new window) is going to show you how to build a website similar to VueDose 2.0. It's a smaller version of the original website themed with Naruto (opens in a new window) characters to lighten the subject a little.

Guided by code examples you will learn how to create a website and build it out into a proper publication which is then deployed as static site. We'll do all of that while leveraging the latest Nuxt.js feature like full-static mode for faster loading times.

Storyblok is a supporter of open-source software (OSS) and particularly VueJS and VueJS based projects for some time now. We are proud to be in the position to give something back to the community. Sponsoring developers is not a charitable endeavor for us, but a serious commitment to support the projects we and our community use regularly. As part of this continuous effort and to make our ecosystem sustainable we also sponsor the great work of VueDose with a monthly donation ๐Ÿ’š.


Alex Jover Morales

Alex Jover Morales

Vue team member, passionate about communication and open source. Alex created vuedose.tips, the book "Testing Vue components with Jest" and several articles and courses on platforms like Egghead.io and Digital Ocean. He co-organizes Alicante Frontend and Vue Day Spain communities and created widely-used libraries such as tslint-config-prettier or v-lazy-image. In his free time, you'll find him traveling, enjoying outdoor activities, and having beers with friends ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿป